
Sherlock Holmes (a detective)

  • The protagonist character
    He appears in most of the scenes, influencing the plot of the story.
  • His physical appearance
    He is thin, tall, and has a long nose and black hair ( are proved from the drawing of him)
  • His personal characteristics
  • Intelligent
    He knows who the murderer is without meeting or questioning him,  only after checking on the murder scene.
    ‘I can also tell you what our murderer looks like. He’s a tall man. He is left-handed and limps on his right leg.
    He wears heavy work boots and a grey coat. He smokes Indian cigars’ (page 62)
  • Rational in deciding
    He fixes on not telling the truth of the murder, considering Mr James Turner’s request.
    ‘I understand.
    We need to know the truth to save James, but we can keep the information private at present……’ (page 69)
  • Observant
    He can describe James McCarthy quite well after meeting him once.
    ‘He’s young and handsome with a good, heart, but he’s not very clever.’ (page 62)
  • His particular talent
    He can play the violin (is showed in the illustration, page 58)

Dr Watson (a doctor)
  • The protagonist character
    He appears in most of the scenes, assisting Mr. Holmes as well as manipulating the plot of the story.
  • His physical appearance
    He is quite fat, short, spectacled, mustached with black hair (from the illustration)
  • His personal characteristics
    A good companion, friendHe hesitantly assists Holmes to solve the crime
    ‘Watson! Over here! It’s good of you to come…’ (page 5)
  • Inquisitive
    He asks a lot of questions regarding the case
    ‘What do the newspapers say about the case, Holmes?’ (page 12)

Inspector Lestrade (police officer) 
Minor character
  • His physical appearance
    He is thin, tall and mustached.
  • His personal characteristics
  • Dependent
    Being a police officer, ironically, he seeks for Mr. Holmes’ help to solve the crime.
    ‘Good heavens! But how do you know it’s the murder weapon? (page 62)
  • Slow – learner
    He could not infer on how to find the right murderer, even after Mr. Holmes stating the traits of the murderer.
    ‘But I can’t arrest every man who smokes cigars and limps. Everyone in Scotland Yard is going to laugh at me!’ (page 63)


  1. why no charles mc carthy?????

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